Wednesday, 1 February 2012

How to Achieve an Effective Completion Claim In 10 minutes

The most important step in dealing with property claims is the first contact with the insured customer. If this stage is going well then the next process will give a satisfactory result for the adjuster and the insured.

The following are suggestions a few effective ways to complete the claim in 10 minutes. Even though it looks simple and basic, yet often overlooked, but can prevent the problems that occur in a settlement of claims.

1. Calm the insured customer
Loss suffered is something painful to the insured because of all the effort, money and pride in their hard work disappear in a moment. Therefore we have to empathize with the suffering of the insured; say that we understand their current situation and will try to help as best we can. Emphasize also that we need their cooperation.

2. Explain the claims settlement procedure
Insured customer is generally do not pay attention to the claims handling procedures, so we have to explain the following reasons why the move is necessary to do. It is very important to explain to them the risks, limits and items that are guaranteed by the policy. Thus, the insured will know what they can expect from the settlement of claims.
Rupture process into several parts to be easily understood by the insured who are panicking. For example, what to do before, during and after the inspection, as well as what to do after the claim is paid.
Explain that the task is to determine the adjuster guarantees and examine the value of the loss, not for repair the damaged items.

3. Find out what's going on
We should ask questions that are specific to avoid unnecessary conversation, for example, do not ask "Where is the leak occur?" but ask "In what room leak happened?" and we will get an accurate answer.

4. Find out what items were damaged
Tell the difference between the insured items home ( dwelling ), content (content ), and equipment and other structures as it will simplify and speed up the data collection items that were damaged. Say that inventory loss is their duty in accordance with the provisions stated in the policy. Besides, they will be more familiar with the belongings of their own from the adjuster.

5. Is there a third party involved
Ask the insured if the loss is caused by the mistakes of others. By asking this information then sub-rogation process can begin immediately because it usually takes a relatively long time and sometimes have to wait disposition of the insured.

6. Let the customer know what they need to do next
Tell the insured obligations in the handling of claims in order to reduce the false presumption of the insured against the insurer and the insured to avoid the possibility of saying "I was never told".

Firstly, the insured should be reminded to take steps necessary to prevent further damage, for example, cover the steps necessary to prevent further damage, such as closing a pipeline leak .

Secondly, the insured must try to reduce the damage, such as moving things from a puddle of water, separating the damaged goods are not damaged.

Thirdly, the insured must allow inspection of the goods suffered losses and had to maintain the condition of the goods until the adjuster conduct research.

Fourthly, the insured must prove all aspects of filing claims.

Lastly, insured must support the efforts of sub-rogation.

If the insured complained that he had too much to do, then answer that we understand but it is important that the resolution process can run faster and smoother.

7. Tell the insured customer to give an estimate and calculate
Have all the receipts or estimattion include a description of the goods were damaged, where the goods are placed, what has been done on these items (repair or cleaning) and how the price was calculated (time purchases, materials, price per unit). These data are very helpful in verifying the age and value.

8.Give them your name and phone number
Insured would feel better if there was someone who was always willing to help.It's not enough to just know the insured's Customer Service telephone number.We should tell the name and phone number so they can call when needed.

9.Give a bit of time for Estimated Time of Completion
Should we loosen the estimated completion time of a claim in order to avoid disappointment insured when we have time to complete the unfulfilled promise.

Besides, do not make the commitment before we can ascertain the cause of the loss, bail and detail loss.

10.Take note everything in detail for proofs for all the details that have been made
We should note the date and time of all conversations and the names of the people we spoke to. Write down what they say and what we tell them because we can not possibly expect the insured will want to write the conversation. And also, recording what we do can be used as support in the event of a dispute.